SCBC offers a range of sponsorship opportunities for businesses seeking to partner with the region’s leading business and industry advocacy group.   Support from sponsors is vital to ensuring the SCBC continues to present a unified voice to advocate for business in the political arena and in the market place.

We work closely with sponsors to find innovative ways to capitalise on their sponsorship by tailoring programs to suit their needs.  As the leading advocate for business on the Coast, SCBC offers key industry groups and businesses the opportunity to position their brand with an organisation that is acknowledged for its:

  • regional advocacy and leadership
  • regional research
  • intent on building a strong and diversified economy
  • role in leading debate and discussion on the vision and future of the economy
  • access to regional politicians

We offer three categories of sponsorships:

Patron Sponsor

SCBC has one Patron Sponsorship at any time. TAFE Queensland has been the Patron Sponsor since 2010/11 demonstrating their commitment to this region and the importance of vocational training to our economy. As Patron Sponsor, TAFE Queensland provide in-kind services to SCBC such as access to their facilities for events, as well as direct funding. In return, TAFE Queensland has key branding positioning at SCBC events, newsletter and website as well as speaking opportunities and participation at SCBC events.

Event Sponsors

Event Sponsors align their brand with a specific type of event or topic that is the subject of focus and discussion.

Any business can become an event sponsor, this does not require SCBC membership to enable sponsorship for specific events.

If you are interested in sponsoring a future event please contact SCBC via

In-kind Sponsors

In-kind Sponsors provide services to SCBC free of charge or at discounted rates.  Our current In-Kind Sponsors include:

SCBC thanks all their sponsors for the past and continued support. To find out more about becoming a sponsor please call 0408 835 954 or email

Patron Sponsor

TAFE Queensland -

Patron Sponsor of the Sunshine Coast Business Council, TAFE Queensland is the largest vocational education and training provider on the Sunshine Coast.

TAFE Queensland is the largest, most experienced training provider in the state, with a history of serving Queensland's communities for more than 140 years. We offer more than 400 practical, industry-relevant courses from entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees. Our training is delivered to over 125,000 students each year across more than 60 locations in Queensland.

Locally on the Sunshine Coast TAFE Queensland has three campuses; Mooloolaba, Nambour and Sunshine Coast Health Institute. These campuses specialise in a range of programs that are strategically picked to help support the local economy, skills shortages and training requirements of the communities we serve.