For the past 12 months Sunshine Coast Business Council (SCBC) has been working with Sunshine Coast Council, RDA Sunshine Coast, the University of Sunshine Coast, TAFE East Coast and industry in creating awareness of how to maximise the economic benefit to be derived from the regional communications infrastructure, including the international submarine cable.

SCBC conducted a conference in June 2019 on the international submarine cable with a focus on digitalisation, fast-data and Transformative Digital Technologies (TDTs).  This was followed by a workshop in September 2019, with stakeholders from business and all levels of government to identify industry growth themes. This workshop culminated in the development of a draft action plan which was endorsed by all stakeholders involved in December 2019. SCBC had commenced implementing the draft action plan by working with the stakeholders to establish relevant Digital Transformation Panels (DTP) to cover each of the themes featured in the draft action plan – 1. Health, 2. Education and 3. Next Wave.

As a result of COVID-19 a lot has occurred within various industries such as Health and Education to utilise and enable Digital Transformative Technologies. The workshop on 6 July reconvened the stakeholders and provided briefings to enable the Digital Transformation project to reassess its focus areas.  Work is now proceeding with two opportunities identified under the Next Wave Theme:  Cyber Security and Food & Agribusiness.

SCBC Transformative Digital Technologies Workshop – Agenda 6 July 2020.pdf

SCBC Digital Workshop Storyline 6 July final.pdf